BioFreeze Professional Pain Relievers

BioFreeze Professional Pain Relievers


Biofreeze Professional Pain Reliever is the #1 clinically used and recommended topical analgesic.  Fast pain relief for sore or strained muscles, back pain, sports injury pain and arthritis.

New Professional strength has increased Menthol of 5% and lasts longer than standard Biofreeze.

If you are a Clinician, please login to see your pricing.

32 oz Pump On Sale – $29.99



BioFreeze Professional Pain Relievers

Biofreeze  Pain Relievers were first introduced by a medical professional who was searching for a way to help his grandmother manage her arthritis pain. The formula he created consisted of the active ingredient menthol with a synergistic blend of inactive ingredients. The resulting formula offered quick, effective pain relief without the use of prescription drugs.

Today, Biofreeze products are providing relief to countless arthritis sufferers. But the pain relievers unique, cooling formulation is also comforting to sore muscles and muscle sprains; easing back, shoulder and neck pain; reducing painful ankle, knee, hip and elbow joints and helping to lessen effects of muscular strains. Biofreeze applies easily and penetrates quickly. It is 100% paraben-free and propylene glycol-free. It is greaseless and non-staining with a vanishing scent. Biofreeze comes in many sizes and methods of applications including the 4 oz 360 degrees spray that works from any angle, even upside down to help cover hard to reach areas. Manufactured in the USA.

Biofreeze Professional is now available and sold only through Healthcare Professionals.  It has a refreshed look, smoother application, increased menthol percentage from 4% to 5% and lasts longer than standard Biofreeze.

See your healthcare provider today and ask how to buy it for home!

Item Numbers:
3 fl. oz Roll-On #020001
4 oz Gel Tube #020002
16 oz Gel Pump #020003
32 oz Gel Pump #020004
One Gallon w/ Pump #020005
3ml Gel Packettes, 100/Box #020199 – Discontinued
4 oz 360 Degree Spray #090352
Professional Starter Kit #091790
(6 tubes, 3 roll-on, 3 360 Spray, Countertop Display)


Additional information

Weight N/A

3 oz Roll On, 4 oz Tube, 360 Spray, 16 oz Pump, 32 oz Pump, Gallon, 3ml Packettes, Starter Kit


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